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SP Portal

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External - For Service Providers (SPs) to update information within PitchBook, they have to fill out a clunky and unintuitive Excel survey sent by our Data Ops team

Internal Operations - It is time-consuming for our Data Ops team to take the Excel file and input the data into the internal system while navigating between multiple tools

My Role: Product Designer

Team: Product Manager, Data Operations Managers, Data Operations Associates, Engineering

Timeframe: 6 months

Tools:  Figma, Miro, Asana, FullStory


- Create a web-based survey tool For Service Providers to update their information

- Create an internal portal for our Data Ops team to view and enter updated information submitted by Service Providers

- Increase key data yield


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What differentiates PitchBook from competitors is the proprietary information collected from Companies, Investors, Service Providers, Limited Partners, and General Partners on key deals and investments. As PitchBook scales, sending the Excel survey back and forth to collect sensitive information is a suboptimal process. By building a web portal, we will enable a better user experience for SPs to connect with PitchBook and update profile information. The internal portal will streamline the data entry process for our Data Ops team.


I interviewed the Data Ops team in charge of the Service Providers dataset to understand pain points about the SP Excel survey, and what the initiatives are to increase yield in key data sets.

Service Providers Pain Points & Insights


  • There are 23 tabs in the SP Survey which makes it difficult to scan

  • The Excel file is unintuitive and hard to scan and spot check

Security Concern

  • IT departments do not want Service Providers to download the Excel file

  • It is not a secured file

Confusion Over Terminology

  • Confusion about the difference between Deal Work and General Service Work

  • Companies on the Block terminology is confusing

Flexibility & File Management

  • The tool needs to be flexible so SPs can upload files. Most responsive SPs send press releases and their own tracking sheets

  • The survey format should fit the mental model of industry standard

Building off of previous research conducted by the Investors Survey team on pain points of the internal operations, we broke down the current process to identify areas of improvement.

Internal Pain Points & Insights

Time Consuming

  • Have to take the Excel file, go into the internal database to input data and use the compare tool

  • Saving in the internal database takes time

Compare Tool is Clunky

  • Compare tool parses all the changes made by external users

  • Researchers have to navigate between internal databases, compare tools, and their methodology

  • The layout of the compare tool is difficult to scan

Confusion About Type of Change

  • References changes for removal and addition in the same color

  • No way to differentiate what type of change has been made

Act Log & Notes

  • Data Ops associates need to add notes  in the internal database for all changes made by recipients

  • Researchers use a survey workbook that contains a pre-formatted act log/internal note


Service Providers

Previously, SPs had to download the Excel file from the email, make updates, and send the file back to the Data Ops team. With the new process, they can make all changes and upload files through the Web Portal.

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Previously, Data Ops Associates had to previously reference multiple tools.  With the new internal tool, Data Ops Associates can easily see changes made and there are direct links to enter the information into the system.

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With 23 different tabs within the Excel Survey and many data points to collect, we worked closely with the SP Data Ops team to prioritize what we want to capture, eliminate obsolete data points and finesse confusing terminology.

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Although Option 1 is more closely aligned with the current Excel Survey. Having to review information for 9 different tables is extremely tedious. I pushed for option 2 which would consolidate the three Services page to one page and pare down 9 tables into one table with dynamic form selections and filters.

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There was a lack of consistency between the current Company and Investor Survey portals and the PitchBook Platform. Usability issues needed to be improved with the current portals. With 4 additional portals on the roadmap after SP Portal, I created a unified design system in Figma for all Survey portals that aligned with the PitchBook Platform design system. The new UI updates addressed usability issues and modernized the designs.

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Service Provider Portal Designs

Homepage & Preferences

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The new side navigation is more scalable and consistent with the PitchBook platform


Text fields are easier to scan with a 2 column layout. The header removes the overloaded texts.

Upload Files

User can directly upload the file on the portal on the homepage

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Filters & Add Button Hierarchy

The Add button is more prominent. Filters were moved to the header level so it's less disjointed and does not compete with the add button

Dynamic Form

Forms are dynamic based on what service was provided. The information collected is different based on service type


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Search Database

To discourage duplicate entries, users search against the existing data base when adding a new team member


The filters are beneficial for viewing longer lists



Table Layout

Editing in modal instead of a collapsable table is easier to edit and more contextual



Submit Button

Previously, there was a percentage of users who completed the survey but did not submit it. The updated submit button is more clear with updated text and closer to the table

Internal Portal Designs

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Color Coded

With different color coding, Data Ops Associates can clearly see what has been added, edited, and removed.

Quick Links

There are direct links in the portal to jump to specific sections in RTS


Activity log & notes has been streamlined in the portal so teams no longer need to log notes in a separate workbook


SP Portal has been built out and will launch in May 2022. Before launching to all SPs, we are running usability testing with selected users on the implemented designs. We will be looking closely at usage data and data yield post-release.

User Delight

With the new web-based solution, users can review and update their information easily using the built-in features in lieu of the spreadsheet-based Profile Editor Tool which was clunky and uintuitive.

More Proprietary Data

In 2021, PitchBook received ~4000 data submissions (Surveys) from Service Providers. We expect the enhanced experience to further increase the number of data submissions from Service Providers.

Internal Operational Efficiency

The ‘Internal View’ of the tool contains features that reduce the time taken to enter the data updates. Features such as Update Highlights, Update Counter, and Direct Links streamline the process of reviewing and entering Profile updates.

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